
A House Of Herbal Products

Ways of Using Neem Leaves to Have Strong & Beautiful Hair

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Are you among those who face the most common problem, hair loss? Then you must know that losing a few strands of hair everyday is quite normal. If the loss of hair turns abnormal, you need to be serious. If you find that your hair is getting thinned, then the time has come to do something about it.

Ways of Using Neem Leaves to Have Strong & Beautiful


From malnutrition to toxin accumulation, lack of moisture to dandruff, the reasons of hair loss are many. If you are in search of a herbal remedy, then trust neem leaves. For centuries, neem leaves are used for treating skin ailments and hair loss. Neem leaves have antimicrobial and blood purifying properties that treat the internal health issues, decrease hair loss, and stimulate the growth of strong and healthy hair.

The different ways of using neem leaves for hair loss are as mentioned below:

Neem Oil

Healthy hair can grow only when you have healthy nourished scalp. Warm neem oil treats all sorts of scalp infection, like dry scalp, flaky scalp, dandruff etc. After applying it twice a week for several months, you will end up having lustrous hair naturally.

Boiling Neem Leaves

Boil a handful of neem leaves in water. Allow it to cool and remove the leaves. After washing hair with shampoo, rinse the hair with this water. This way your hair will be dandruff free and the clogged pores in your scalp will be opened.

Grinding Neem Leaves

You can also grind the leaves and make a paste of it. Apply this paste on your hair from root to tip along with scalp. Wash your hair off with shampoo after one hour.

This way you can prevent premature graying to an extent, remove lice, treat the itchy scalp, reduce the inflammation of scalp and treat scalp infection.

Ayurvedic Products

You can also try some ayurvedic products that are meant for hair, like hair tonic, shampoo, conditioner etc. You can buy ayurvedic products online as well. Most Ayurvedic and herbal products for hair are  enriched with neem extract and effective in solving any type of hair problem.

Even eating neem leaves can also help you stay healthy from inside and thus, have strong hair.

Hope, you have realized how effective neem leaves are in treating hair problems, reducing hair fall and gifting strong and beautiful hair. If you are taking benefits of neem leaves in some other ways that haven’t mentioned here, feel free to share with us.

Author: Kanticoy

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