
A House Of Herbal Products

Joint Pain Treatment: How It Can Be Possible With Ashwagandha

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Commonly known as Indian ginseng, Ashwagandha has been used  as an effective ayurvedic herb for treating various ailments. Ashwagandha is highly effective in resisting stress, anxiety and fatigue. In the sphere of ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is used as a vitalizer and it stabilizes, strengthens, rejuvenates and soothes nervous system.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Joint Pain

However, in today’s post, we will discuss one of the useful benefits of Ashwagandha that you did not know about. This herb is highly effective in joint pain and arthritis treatment.

The muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons in our body function together and give us the mobility we have. The acute inflammatory condition in the joints is known as arthritis. Actually, there are three different diseases fall in the category of arthritis – rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.

In Rheumatoid arthritis, you will suffer from painful inflammation of the membranes in the joints, like hands, feet, knees, wrist, and hips, and morning joint stiffness. It has been observed that excessive accumulation of toxic waste in body causes Rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is similar to Rheumatoid arthritis and also characterized by stiffness and pain in  the joints. It is believed that sedentary lifestyle is the prime reason for such condition.

Gout causes burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints. Over time, the joints, tendons and other tissues in body get affected. This type of arthritis is mainly caused by excessive level of uric acid in the blood. The high level of uric acid forms hard crystals in joints and results gout.

According to research, ashwagandha has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that are highly effective in reducing swelling. It has been clinically tested that by consuming 3 grams of ashwagandha thrice a day with milk brings improvement in body. If it is combined with turmeric and zinc complex, then it can significantly help in reducing pain and disability for osteoarthritis patients.

Nowadays market is flooded with various ayurvedic medicines for joint pain, enriched with ashwagandha extract. These are herbal remedies, available in the form of tablets , potions, capsules, the perfect blend of scientific research and nature’s goodness , that are highly effective in treating severe joint pain.
So, trust ashwagandha, gift yourself sense of relief in joint pain and live life to the fullest.

Author: Kanticoy

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