
A House Of Herbal Products

How Walnuts Help You Age Healthily & Gracefully

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There is no doubt about the fact that walnuts have various health benefits that you cannot even count. According to a recent study, daily intake of walnuts keeps all kinds of health related problems at bay while improving the level of blood cholesterol and maintaining good health.

How Walnuts Help You Age Healthily & Gracefully

Old people can really stay healthy by consuming walnuts daily. Walnuts boost the good fats and other nutrients in body, and also lower the obesity. Initially observed to improve body weight, the study has demonstrated that regular consumption of walnuts for at least a year by an older adult has no harmful effect on body weight.

The Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) study has stated that walnuts have positive impact on various vital health factors that include gut health, hunger, satiety and metabolic health.

Being an ayurvedic team member of Kanticoy, the recognized brand in India of ayurvedic medicines, it is my responsibility to let you know all the information and recent studies regarding health. And this is the only reason for this blog where I am sharing the wellness trip of the day that how naturally walnuts can keep your all health related issues at bay and help you age gracefully and healthily.

So, start having walnuts everyday. Besides maintaining a proper diet and doing yoga, taking walnuts is also important when you are getting older.

Author: Kanticoy

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