
A House Of Herbal Products

Top 5 Ayurvedic Medicines for Joint Pain Relief

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Are you dealing with joint pain for long? Then adding herbs to your daily regimen can give you a sense of relief in your aches. Severe inflammation is actually the root cause of joint pain. A natural immune response to inflammation, infection or injury can become severe because of various factors like improper diet, fatigue, lack of physical activities and over exposure to environmental toxins.


So, whether you want
knee pain treatment or relief from arthritis, neck and back pain or tendonitis, adding particular herbs to your health regimen and using ayurvedic medicines for joint pain can really help you manage the pain.

Let’s have a look at five effective herbs that are commonly used for joint pain relief.

  •  Turmeric

Turmeric has an excellent antioxidant compound, known as curcumin that is highly effective in taming arthritis pain, tendonitis and autoimmune disorders.

  •   Ginger

According to research ginger helps in easing pain. It lowers the prostaglandin level and tames arthritis pain. This is more effective and safe than non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.

  • Salai Guggul

It helps in maintaining joint and muscle flexibility and ensures overall health. It reduces swelling and pain in joints and improves mobility.

  • Ashwagandha


It reduces stress and eases arthritis pain because it is a natural source of anti inflammatory properties.

  • Guduchi


Guduchi has been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicines to cure allergies, ease arthritis pain, reduce inflammation, enhance improve immune system, treat gout and rheumatic disorders and many more.

So are you planning to use herbs and ayurvedic products to get relief from joint pain? Then first, consult a physician and know your body. Then opt for a good brand and buy joint pain capsules, oil and any other ayurvedic medicines meant for relieving joint pain. Stay healthier, feel younger.

Author: Kanticoy

Buy a wide range of ayurvedic medicines and herbal healthcare products especially made of Aloe Vera, Neem, Ashwagandha, Noni etc. at an affordable cost.

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