
A House Of Herbal Products

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Beat Stress in the Ayurvedic Way

Can you deny the fact that stress has become a part of your lifestyle? In this modern age, we are always indulged into hectic life schedule. It depends on a specific person how mentally strong and stable he or she is . Only mental strength can help you manage stress.  To improve mental strength and focus, there are some natural ways.


We, the team of Kanticoy, India’s leading brand of ayurvedic medicines, will share a few tips today that will help you beat stress and lead a healthy energetic life. Let’s have a look.

  • Take deep breathes

Take at least 5 minutes of break from your daily routine life, sit straight, close your eyes and start inhaling and exhaling slowly. Inhale through the nose, start working its way to the abdomen, and exhale through the mouth. This practice can improve your concentration and calm your mind.

  • Exercises

Try to do meditation, yoga for at least 15 minutes daily. This way not only your mood will be improved, but also your weight will be controlled. Mind is where all the fatigue begins, so adopt the ability to clarify and calm the mind first.

  • Massage

Can you say no to a soothing massage that can lead you to complete relaxation? Head and neck massage for at least 5 minutes can release all of your stress effectively. You can get a sense of relief from stiffness and muscle soreness. This way your body gets detoxified and mind becomes calm.

  • Eat healthy

Try not to upset your digestive system by eating unhealthy food. It can lead you to even depression. Make a habit of eating fibre rich food. Nuts, like walnuts, almonds etc. hold quite health benefits. Check one of our previous posts about walnut benefits to know in detail.

There are also various ayurvedic medicines, rich in ashwagandha, aloe vera, shankhapushpi, vacha, brahmi etc. that are aimed to relax mind, calm the thoughts down and induce proper sleep. Such ayurvedic medicines help you end up living a stress free life with strong memory.

You can buy ayurvedic products for healthy brain online as well. Just research carefully and pick a good brand. Consult a physician, know your body, read the label of the product that you are going to buy and just make a purchase.

Follow these ways and unlock your brain power naturally. Stay healthy, stress-free and vitalized.

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Super Antioxidants, An Excellent Ayurvedic Medicine for Adding Strength & Vigour to Your Life

Antioxidant dietary supplements are really beneficial for health, if you add them with good diet and physical activities. Kanticoy is an ayurvedic brand in India that has invented an excellent ayurvedic product named Super Anti-Oxidants. This is highly effective for restoring strength, vitality and vigour to people who lack in dynamism and energy.  

ayurvedic medicines

The major ingredients in Super Antioxidants that help in stimulating the immune system and promoting the healthy functioning of the organism are Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha and Sea buckthorn. Below, we will discuss the individual benefits of each ingredients, so that you can understand how good and effective this ayurvedic medicine is.  So, let’s explore.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is helpful in treating acne, baldness, skin abrasions, bruises, burns, muscle cramps, ulcers, sunburn and even insect bites. This is enriched with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, anthraquinones, saccharides, aloin and antioxidant properties that help in preventing the growth of infectious bacteria and improving overall health.


The rejuvenating antioxidant properties in Ashwagandha, like flavonoids, with asomnine etc. help in reducing anxiety, improving mood, supporting cardiovascular health, enhancing cognition, boosting memory, and making the heart and mind calm.

Sea Buckthorn

The flowers and leaves of Sea Buckthorn are used for treating gout, arthritis, skin rashes and gastrointestinal ulcers caused by various infectious diseases like measles. The leaves are rich sources of vitamins, antioxidants, protein building blocks (amino acids), fatty acids and minerals. Thus this can improve blood pressure, reduce the cholesterol level, control blood vessel disease and boost the overall immunity.

All these ingredients present in Kanticoy’s Super Antioxidants have made it an amazing ayurvedic product and one and only solution for having healthy, strong and younger body.

You can just browse the site and order this excellent ayurvedic product online. Revitalize and rejuvenate yourself today.

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Tips to Follow While Buying Ayurvedic Products Online

Ayurveda, the ancient medical science, was developed in India centuries ago. It works on the notion of eliminating the problem entirely and not symptomatic treatment only. Ayurvedic products are perfect blend of nature’s goodness and scientific research, and thus, these can effectively treat all sorts of physical and mental problems without giving any side effect.


Tips to Follow while Buying Ayurvedic Products Online


As the e-commerce industry is booming day by day in India, now buying ayurvedic products online is easier than ever. Nowadays almost all the Indian ayurvedic medicine brands offer an online outlet to sell their products.

The market is flooded with many ayurvedic brands and if you go through internet, you will find many websites offering ayurvedic medicines online. Hence, it is natural for you to fall for marketing gimmick. So before being clueless or making the wrong buying decision, just go through this post. Here, we have gathered some tips for you to help you buy the best ayurvedic product as per your need from the right web-based platform.


  • Buy from trusted store only

It is really important that you buy ayurvedic products from a reputed and recognized company. Always keep in mind that every online store is not the same. there is a possibility of getting substandard products that are completely useless. Almost all the big brands that make ayurvedic medicines in India have web-based outlets. You can simply browse the products and pick up the apt one. All you need to do before picking the product is collect sufficient details about the quality and effectiveness of the products from internet.


  • Ensure you are purchasing the right product

Ayurvedic medicines treat both the macro and micro symptoms, and the results depend on the physiology and the lifestyle of individual. there are some of the medicines, popular in Ayurveda, sound quite similar but function differently, such as Asavas and Arishtas, Drakshasava and Draksharishta etc.


  • Buy a generic ayurvedic medicine if you find difficulty in getting a branded one

If you do not find a particular brand for particular product, then just check the ingredients and buy a generic medicine. Even if you spot a medicine with similar ingredients but a different brand name, there is no harm in purchasing it.

If you follow the above-mentioned tips, you will certainly be able to buy the right ayurvedic medicine from the right online store. Never compromise price over quality. And while buying from online place, reliable store only can give you the facility of safe payment transaction.

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The Must-Have Herbs in Your Diet to Quit Smoking


Were you used to be a chain smoker? Are you now having the desire for making yourself free from all the hazards involved with smoking cigarettes? Then you must follow smoker’s diet that is specially designed to target heart, lungs, and to avert cancer. You cannot deny the fact that smoking is a bad habit. It is quite tough to be out of the way of quitting it. If you were a chain smoker and now you have quitted it, you should know that it takes almost 8 to 10 years for lungs and the entire body system to come out of smoking’s bad effects.

A diet, rich in anti-oxidant herbs and various herbal healthcare products, is ideal to have daily to get rid of all sorts of bad effects of smoking as soon as possible. Even if you are planning to quit the smoking sooner, you should follow this diet. Below are some natural herbs and Ayurvedic products mentioned, that are highly useful.


Turmeric is useful in boosting immunity, strengthening lungs and heart. It also helps in preventing cancer. So it is necessary to include more turmeric in your diet.


Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, helps in strengthening lungs and combat against respiratory problems, like cough, asthma etc. Whether you have quitted smoking or are still doing, you should have one or two leaves of Tulsi daily.

Ginger, Pepper & Long Pepper

These three herbs are known together as Trikatu. Trikatu helps in improving immunity and digestion power.

You can consume two holy basil leaves together with Trikatu, a little turmeric and honey  daily to get the best result.

Triphala Powder

Another must-have for smokers is Triphala powder that is rich in anti oxidants, boosts immunity, gives relief in constipation, cleanses the entire body and protects heart.


It helps in boosting strength and immunity. Some people smoke to keep themselves free from stress. But actually, smoking is more a habit than a stress-reliever. Try Ashwagandha rich Ayurvedic products. Ashawagandha acts like a nerve tonic and is a great remedy for stress.

Agastya Haritaki Rasayana

This is an amazing Ayurvedic medicine and highly useful in treating cough, asthma and other respiratory problems. It rejuvenates the entire body.


Being an Ayurvedic product, it improves immunity, protects heart, lungs and the whole body, especially during winter season.

Besides following a proper diet, you should also do pranayama because it enhances the functionality of lungs, improves breathing, and most importantly improves mental resolution to leave the habit of smoking. You should also avoid eating oily food, frozen food, cold beverages to prevent respiratory issues.

If you include the above-mentioned herbs in your daily diet, it will not be difficult to stay healthy after quitting smoking. Nowadays there are many companies offer Ayurvedic medicines that are rich in all the herbal ingredients that are must-have for smokers. And while talking about such companies, the discussion cannot be completed without mentioning the name of Kanticoy. It is an Indian brand of Ayurvedic medicines and herbal healthcare products. From Ashwagandha to aloe vera, Tulsi to triphala, all can be found in Kanticoy Ayurvedic products. These are rich in anti-oxidants and you should include such products in your daily diet without being afraid of the side effects.

The smoke of cigarette is not only injurious for your health, but also harmful for the people around you. So quit this habit today. Take help form nature. Nature has all the properties to keep us healthy. Exercise regularly, have proper diet and trust Ayurveda, and you will see the vivid result in our body and mind in no time.

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Kidney Stone Treatment With Ayurveda


The kidneys do the important function of flushing out toxic elements from our body and keep the blood free from contaminants. Thus they are the natural purifiers of our body and work to keep us healthy & fit. Without them our blood could easily have been poisoned and if that poison reached the brain, it could take away our lives. These two small organs which are located on both sides of our abdominal area are therefore highly essential to our being. However, due to irregular food or diets, drugs or diseases they are susceptible to developing stones within them. Kidney stones are very painful and could make life exceedingly difficult for patients, hindering their normal activity and hamper the movement of toxins away from the body.

Unfortunately, in these cases removing the kidney stones by operation become a mandate since these stones could hard the kidneys over time. These stones are essentially Urea and other impurities which solidify from uric acid which is temporarily stored in the internal cells of the kidney, known as nephrons. The help in regulating the concentration of water & other minerals to be absorbed in the blood and help in extracting only the good elements and subtracting the poisonous ones.

Up till now, the best solution for removing these stones were operative in nature and involved sufficient amounts of pain and huge sums of money. A process called shock wave lithotripsy is also used to break the stones internally by crushing them externally. However, ayurvedic medicine has also helped several people recover from this suffering and apart from extreme cases, people rarely go for an operation nowadays. Today there are several herbal healthcare products which are being used in the treatment of Kidney stones and they have substituted synthetic drugs by a great extent. People also buy ayurvedic products for kidney stones because of the fact that these stones can occur even after an operation is done. So, how many times can they go to the hospital for operation every time such stones occur.

Ayurvedic medicines have the capacity to break down these stones into smaller pieces which can easily be passed out of the body with urine. Though the entire process takes time, patience, diet and a regular routine, they are still much better than painful operations, even though minimally invasive operations like laparoscopy are possible nowadays.

Even the most persistent kidney stones  can now be broken down with natural medicines today, thanks to ayurveda. Thousands of years ago, sages had found a herb which could break down both kiney & gall stones and named it ‘Pashaan Bhed’ which literally translates to ‘stone breaker’. This herb has been found to be rich in micro-minerals that can react with the stones in the kidney, decomposing them and helping in speedy ejection of the stones (which later turn into granular particles upon regular medicine intake) from the kidneys.

Ayurveda has also laid down a few ways to avoid kidney stones which include drinking more water, eating less salts & including calcium-rich food items in one’s diet. Thus, you can rid yourself from such problems easily with a little help from nature and close watch on what you eat… and drink.