
A House Of Herbal Products

How Punarnava, the Key Ingredient of Ayurvedic Medicines, Heals Joint Pain

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Herbs are considered as the “medicinal plants” that have ability to treat and cure illnesses and improve the wellbeing, energy and vitality. Moreover, herbs are also used in seasoning and adding  essence to the food items. Be it the field of medicines, food industry or the market beauty products, herbs are being used immensely these days. A simple herb that you can grow in your garden hold myriad benefits in treating day-to-day ailments. As they are safe and easy to use and free of side effects, can put your body in harmony with nature effectively.


Today, we will talk about such a herb, i.e. Punarnava. The word ‘punar’ means again and ‘nava’ signifies new. Hence, a herb that renews and rejuvenates the entire body system is known as Punarnava.

According to Ayurveda, Punarnava is enriched with such properties that are pungent, cooling and have purifying abilities. It holds many health benefits, and all parts of this plant are utilized in ayurvedic medicines. One of the great benefits of Punarnava is healing joint pain. The major component in Punarnava, named Punarnavine, an alkaloid, helps in the comfortable movement of the joints and maintains mobility. It is a proven fact that punarnava helps in subsiding the bodily bioelements or doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Thus, those with Kapha constitutions and imbalances, suffer from tormenting joint pain, can blindly trust punarnava.

Recommended dosage

Fresh punarnava juice in a dose of approximately 5 to 10 ml can be consumed twice a day. You can also have 1 to 3 grams of punarnava seeds daily.

And if you really want to be hassle-free, then pick Kanticoy’s joint pain capsules, an effective ayurvedic medicine, enriched with punarnava extract and highly beneficial for joint pain treatment. Just bank on the company’s official website and place an order.
Ayurvedic medicines are steeped in science and enriched with nature’s goodness. So, there is no reason of avoiding ayurvedic products. Trust Kanticoy and say goodbye to joint pain. Feel younger by gifting mobility and strength to your joints and body .

Author: Kanticoy

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